Horizon Europe Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility) aims to fund transformative research and innovation to support the objective of achieving climate neutrality in Europe by 2050.
Call for proposals for 2023 and 2024 for Cluster 5 are now open. The latest version of the Work Programme, published by the European Commission, is available for download on the EU Funding and Tenders portal. Please ensure you download the latest version of the Work Programme.
Further Horizon Europe Mobility and Energy funding opportunities are available through the European Joint Undertakings (JU's). These public-private partnerships cover four specific areas, namely Clean Aviation, the Digital European Sky (SESAR), Clean Hydrogen and Europe's Rail.
The Joint Undertakings have recently successfully completed their first round of calls with a further set of calls expected to be published in 2023. These will be made available on the EU Funding and Tenders portal in due course.
Recent Irish successes in the Joint Undertakings include Cork-based Collins Aerospace who were recently successful in seven proposals submitted under the first Clean Aviation call securing more than €5 million in funding. For more details, see Collins selected to participate in multiple EU Clean Aviation projects.
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership has started the grant preparations for two flagship Hydrogen Valleys. In addition, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership has started the grant preparations for seven smaller-scale Hydrogen Valleys projects (at least 500 H2 tonnes/year), focusing on areas of Europe with no (or limited) presence of Hydrogen Valleys. Each of these will be funded with €8m. The valleys will comprise regions in Bulgaria (Stara Zagora), Greece (Crete and Corinthia), Ireland (Galway), Italy (Lombardy), Turkey (South Marmara) and Luxembourg. The Galway project will include 11 Irish partners, receiving €5.5 million of funding.
The city of Galway has been selected as a pilot city in the NetZeroCities call.
Another recent success for Ireland goes to Dr Beatriz Martinez-Pastor, UCD whose SITO project (Smart Enforcement of Transport Operations) proposal was ranked first in its topic area and aims to develop a digital platform for smart transport enforcement in multimodal and cross-border environments. UCD will lead the €4 million project working with international partners across France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Croatia and the Czech Republic to develop the framework.
Upcoming Events:
The 4th edition of the European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023) will take place in Brussels on 3rd and 4th May 2023.
This two-day event is organised by European Commission, the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and the FAME project and will bring together political leaders from the European Commission and Member States with high-level representatives of industry, academia, and road authorities from across Europe and internationally, to discuss whether our societies are prepared for the deployment of smart, inclusive, and sustainable mobility solutions. For details on registration and the event programme see Connected Automated Driving | 4th European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving – EUCAD 2023